Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Heaven on earth

When we got out of the van, we were escorted down an alley towards the Civil Affairs office.  Clothes lines hung from the rooftops, and adjacent doors led into dark staircases. It seemed like we were in a movie. We went into the building and were waiting for an elevator in a bare, sterile foyer.  Next to us stood two other Westerners looking exactly as we felt, apprehensive and excited. We all headed up to the 8th floor... it was really happening; this was where we would meet our little girl. The doors opened and we entered a room that was expansive and clean.... and all around us commotion began to unfold as they began to bring out the children in pairs.  Our sweet girl was in the first set. She toddled toward us... very timid and shy, and we immediately fell in love with her. We coaxed her slowly into our arms and just held her as she looked around wide eyed and bewildered.  As we looked around the room with her, we saw something that very few people are ever privileged to see.  In this room, 22 kids from around Guangzhou were being greeted for the first time by their parents.  Some where screaming, some were quiet, some were laughing, and some were smiling.  There were kids that looked different, teenagers that were at the cusp of being too old for adoption, kids with major deformities, kids with minor ones, but all of them were children who needed a home... and at this very moment they were being loved by their family for the very first time. And these weren't just American families coming in to love these kids... there were families from Spain, England, Norway, Sweden, and other countries as well.

I still tear up when I think about it.  When I think about the 60 year old grandparents adopting the three teenage boys who were about to age out of the orphanage or when I think about the 12 year old orphan in the wheelchair that now had a family or when I think about the lives that are being changed not just in this world but for some in the next. It was a beautiful sight. We are grateful we got to be apart of it.

Today (Day 4 with her) has been good. She has been a little more emotional and very clingy. So please pray for peace in the midst of a lot of "newness". It is fun seeing a little glimpse of her personality emerge. We feel so blessed.
Kaili is what we would term painfully shy.  She has squeaked out maybe 5-6 words and they are so soft and timid.  She is very content to stay in our arms the whole time.  She has rarely smiled, but now when we pick her up she does a huge crooked smile that just melts your heart.

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