Sunday, December 7, 2014

Almost six hours... she's ours

(Day 3 in China)- A perspective from Dan:
I am suddenly awakened by the ringing of the phone... I look over at the clock and it reads 9:47.  Everything in me panics. You see this was the day we were supposed to head to Kaili's province.   But, we were supposed to be downstairs at 9:00am bags packed checked out of our room headed to the airport to catch our flight from Beijing to Guangzhou.  I start yelling at Michelle, hurry get up, get packed, we aren't going to make it.  She looks at me confused, staring at me like I have gone insane (this wasn't the first time I had seen that face).  I realized something isn't right, and then she says to me, "Ummm, it's 9:47pm."  Man, here I think we are going to be late getting to our little girl, and then at that moment relief flooded my soul.  This jet lag is killing me!  Needless to say, we slept off and on the rest of the night and made our Air China flight with plenty of time.
Now it is Day 4 (Monday morning in China, Sunday night at home).  We are approximately 6 hours away from getting our little girl.  Now lets break this down a little bit... we started this process on August 15, 2014, that was 480 days ago, which was 11,514 hours ago, and now we are down to the final six.  Breaking it down percentage wise, we are down to the final .052% of this waiting thing we have had to do.  So many questions are flooding in.  What if she cries the whole time (like the next 10 days)?  What if she is scared, and hasn't been cared for well?  What is this going to be like this time?  When we get on the plane is she going to kick the guy next to us?  Are people going to stare at her and talk mean to her because she is different?(I'm feeling protective already!) As I think about all these things you know the only thing that matters is that God has called us to do this... even if/when it is hard... and it will be hard.  But even though we started this process 11,514 hours ago... God started the process at the beginning of time.  He is bigger than any fear, any challenge, and any situation we will face.  And when I remember that God has been planning for this meeting from the beginning, my fears fade away.  I can't wait to meet her.  She should be in our arms around 1:30am your time tonight.  So if you happen to be up or wake up around then, join us in praising God for He deserves all praise.
Michelle's perspective:
To give my man credit.....For every panic moment Dan has had, he's had five other moments that have been sure and steady. I would have wilted months ago if it were not for him. This morning as we were lying awake at wee hours in the morning, I said, "Are we were crazy for doing this?" His response? "We'd be crazy not to!"  So true. We have had a great time with our friends, the Turners, (John Turner adds humor to every situation) touring the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. We have had good guides, yummy food (well sort of) AND finally we meet our little one soon. Excited and scared. Thanks for your prayers.

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