Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Our little girl....

In his book Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, C. S. Lewis uses a beautiful metaphor to explain how believers should respond to the blessings and pleasures of life. He wrote that in those moments we should allow our minds to "run back up the sunbeam to the sun." In essence he was saying that just as we recognize the sun as the source causing a sunbeam's warmth and light, so should we remember that every good and perfect thing is from God.  If only I could always revel in the PROVIDER more than the provision! (I admit that often times I enjoy the pleasures of life without acknowledging God nearly enough. As Lewis phrases it, I "ignore the smell of Deity that hangs about".)

 With that said, many of you know about our recent Letter of Approval from China. As we received the phone call this week, I let Lewis' metaphor take root. My mind couldn't help but run up the sunbeam to the sun, and I found myself in awe of God. A God who loves. A God who provides. A God who saves. A God who sees. The "smell of Deity" was intense. I was so grateful for the gift of this approval. This blessing that gives us permission to proceed.  Now I marvel that since September, God has provided $18,000 in funding, either from many of you, our fund-raising endeavors, or our grants. He has blessed us with a little 21 month old girl who is beautiful. He has given us children who think their little sister is cute, even though she has an obvious physical deformity (cleft lip and palate). He even provided needed bunk beds to accommodate our growing family. The "sun" has been awfully bright this week. I hope I continue to see it!

This week my prayer is that, as you are blessed, your mind will run back up the sunbeam to the sun. Whether it is a good meal, a beautiful sunset, a giggle, a warm hug, a paycheck, or even a comfy bed...enjoy the provision and thank the Provider.

We hope to travel in Nov. or Dec. Praying to be home before Christmas.  THANK YOU for the gifts, the inquiries and the prayers.

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