Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer Update....It's been a while....

The end of last week was tough for me. This adoption journey seemed so hard, fear reared its ugly head, I was so sad as another week went by without a referral, and "the waiting" continued.  As I have already previously stated, some people say that one of the hardest things about the adoption process is the "waiting". There is the wait for paperwork to be complete, the wait for a referral, the wait to travel, the wait for a visa, the wait in China, and the wait to return home.  It really is a continual waiting game.  I try to remember, however, that these moments of waiting can be sacred times.  Times to pray, prepare our hearts and prepare our family. That is precisely what we have been trying to do, besides the ordinary everyday things required of a family of 6.  It is not very glamorous to blog about, thus the reason for the silence the past few months. 

Anyway, it always seems like when we walk through the valley of discouragement, God graciously provides moments that bolster our faith and remind us that He is in control. And that is what happened this week. You see, there is one other thing we have been doing the past few months and that is submitting applications for needed grants. Consequently, God has graciously provided a $500 matching grant through Hands of Hope (which was graciously matched by some offerings from our church given a while back). Then, this week, we received word that we were approved for a $3,000 matching grant by Lifesong for Orphans*.  It was such an encouragement to me this week, as if God was reminding me that His timing and His ways are perfect.

Speaking of encouragement, there are so many of our family and friends that have already given so far.  We are so grateful to you and have already been humbled by your support.  Because this is a matching grant, however, we are required to raise additional funds (with a goal date of August 4th) in order to receive it. So in other words, every dollar we raise will be matched up to $3,000 (for a total of $6,000). When we add this amount, plus some future t-shirt sales, and another grant we have applied for, we estimate that the adoption will be fully funded! It is hard to believe that this process was only started less than a year ago. Thanks for all your prayers, inquiries, and support.

If you feel like you can give so we can meet this goal, to give online please go here.  LifeSong Online Giving -For Family name please put- Walsh and the family account number is 4521. Or you can send a check to:
Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40/202 N. Ford St.
Gridley, IL 61744
** Please be sure to write Walsh/#4521 in the memo line of the check.

Please note that Lifesong is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your gift is tax deductible. 100% of all funds raised will go directly to cover adoption costs--nothing will be taken out for Lifesong for Orphan's administrative costs. As you give, know that we are so very grateful for your help. You are helping us bring our little girl home. If you have already given or are unable to give, can you please pray for our family and for our little girl? That means so much to us as well.

We appreciate you taking to time to read our update. We hope to have some more good news soon!

Michelle, writing for the Walsh Clan

 *Lifesong for Orphans is a non-profit Christian ministry dedicated to help meet the needs of orphan children around the world, and to obey God’s call to "visit the fatherless…in their affliction" (James 1:27). With over 147 million orphans worldwide, Lifesong seeks to mobilize the Body of Christ to love and care for orphans. Lifesong serves families, churches and orphans through adoption funding. Additionally, Lifesong brings joy and purpose to orphans globally in seven countries and domestically through foster care initiatives. You can visit their website ( for more information.  This specific matching grant is being provided by First Baptist Church of Orlando who is in partnership with Lifesong.

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