Monday, January 27, 2014

A Major Step Closer!

DTC=Dossier to China...LID= Log in Date

This picture may not mean much to most people but it means a ton to us!  A few months ago we set a goal to have our dossier (adoption documents) logged in China before the Chinese New Year (January 31st).  We had everything sent to China on January 17th and I looked online today to see if it had cleared yet, and discovered it was logged in on January 24th.  Woohoo!  Goal achieved.  Needless to say the Walsh family is EXCITED! So...what does this mean?
Now that we are logged in, Holt can use the large list of children from China to be able to find us a match(also known as a referral).  They estimate it will take 1-6 months to get our referral (and it seems like it will be more sooner than later) After that it is 1-3 months to travel.

At present, we are working on some fundraising ideas to get us to the next goal. (A friend at church is doing a photo shoot to raise money, we are going to make T-shirts, we have two grants we are waiting to hear word on, and we are open to any other ideas!) Thank you all for praying and helping and please continue to keep this process in your prayers that God will protect our little girl and guide us to her.  Your continued support and encouragement through this process means more than your know.

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